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Wellwoman 50 plus 30s

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  • ويل ومان 50 بلس - 30 قرص
  • 26 مادة مغذية للمساعدة في الحفاظ على الصحة و الحيوية. فيتامين ب6 وحمض البانتوثينيك والحديد الذى يساهم في تقليل التعب والإرهاق.
  • Product Description: 26 Nutrients to help Maintain Health and Vitality. Vitamin B6, Pantothenic Acid and Iron which contribute to the Reduction of Tiredness and Fatigue.
  • Details: Wellwoman 50 has been specifically designed to help safeguard the nutritional needs of women aged 50 and above and forms part of the Wellwoman range, the UKs number 1 womens supplement brand. There is now a great deal of research evidence to suggest that micronutrient supplementation in individuals aged over 50 can be beneficial. Wellwoman 50 contains a comprehensive range of 26 vitamins, minerals and plant derived nutrients to support key areas of health important to women over 50, including heart, brain and eye health.
  • Benefits: Supporting an active lifestyle. Maintenance of normal vision. Contributes to normal function of the heart. Contributes to normal hemocysteine metabolism and normal red blood cell formation. Contributes to normal mental performance.
  • Instructions for use: One tablet per day with your main meal. Swallow with water or a cold drink. Not to be chewed, do not exceed the recommended intake. This comprehensive formula replaces other Wellwoman supplements and multivitamins. There is no need to take an additional multivitamin.
  • Dosage Form: Tablet
  • Contains: Multivitamins
  • Pack Contains: 30 tabs
  • Therapeutic Use: Womens Health (Click to See Similar Products)


Expiry Date:
Unit Size:
30 tabs
Tax Inclusive:
Non-Taxable Products
Suitable For:
Womens Health

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