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Cardioace Caps 30s

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  • كارديوإيس - 30 كبسولة
  • أوميجا 3 ، الثوم ، حمض الفوليك ، فيتامينات ب6 ، ب12 ، د3. مع الثيامين (فيتامين ب1) الذي يساهم في عمل القلب الطبيعي بالإضافة إلى مستخلص الثوم الذي يساهم في الدورة الدموية الطبيعية.
  • Product Description: Omega 3, Garlic, Folic Acid, Vitamins B6, B12, D3. With thiamine (Vitamin B1) which Contributes to Normal Heart Function plus Garlic Extract which Contributes to Normal Circulation.
  • Details: Cardioace has been scientifically developed to help safeguard your diet. It provides a unique combination of specific nutrients, which help to support cardiovascular health including thiamin (vitamin B1), contributes to the normal function of the heart and garlic extract which supports normal circulation. Vitamins B6, B12 and folic acid helps to maintain normal homocysteine metabolism. Magnesium contributes to normal muscle function and also contributes to normal functioning of the nervous system. Vitamin E and C plus minerals zinc and selenium contribute to the protection of cells from oxidative stress. It also includes flaxseed oil, another source of both omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids.
  • Benefits: Helps in the maintenance of normal red blood cell formation. Supports normal functioning of the nervous system. Protects cells from oxidative stress.
  • Instructions for use: One or two capsules per day with your main meal. Swallow with water or a cold drink, not to be chewed. Do not exceed the recommended intake.
  • Dosage Form: Capsule
  • Contains: omega-3/Garlic/Vitamins
  • Pack Contains: 30 caps
  • Therapeutic Use: Heart Health (Click to See Similar Products)


Expiry Date:
Unit Size:
30 caps
Tax Inclusive:
Non-Taxable Products
Suitable For:
Heart Health

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